This is admittedly a slightly random bibliography. If you see something you want to read but I haven’t got around to scanning or linking it yet, or are seeking something of mine that isn’t listed, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and I will move it to the top of the pile, if I still have a copy.
Sonntag, P., Elliott, P.W. (2024, Aug. 22). How Global News’ investigation into Indigenous contracting unfolded. Global News.
Elliott, P.W. (2024). Ungovernable: How a refinery became ‘too big to fail’ – and what it means to the people of Saskatchewan. In E. Eaton, A. Stevens & S. Tucker (Eds.), Unjust transition: The future for fossil fuel workers (pp. 88-116), Fernwood.
Elliott, P.W. (2023, Jan. 30). Canada’s newspapers are being plundered by monopoly capitalism. CBC.
Elliott, P.W. (2022, Oct. 20). Time for Regina to make our drinking water a priority. Regina Leader-Post.
Jaffe, J., Elliott, P.W. & Sellers, C. (2021). Divided: Populism, Polarization and Power in the New Saskatchewan. Fernwood Books.
Bell, Roberta, Elliott, P.W. and Peterson, Julia (2021, June 28). The small Alberta oil company behind Saskatchewan’s latest and largest-ever case of orphaned wells. Global News.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2019). The future of journalism education? Investigative. J-Source, Aug. 27.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2018). Campus-newsroom collaborations: Building bridges for investigative journalism. M. Huff and A.L. Roth, eds. Censored 2019: Fighting the fake news invasion. New York: Seven Stories Press. 227-241.
Cribb, R., Sonntag, P., Wrobel, M., Elliott, P.W. (2018, Oct. 16). ‘Off the chart’ air quality readings in Saskatchewan’s southeast raise new concerns – but little public warning. An investigative feature simultaneously published by the Toronto Star, Global News and the National Observer (Price of Oil series collaboration).
Elliott, Patricia W. (2018). Confronting Risk at the Crossroads of Media Freedom in Burma. Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo, Vol 7, n°1 – 2018, 15 juin – June 15 – 15 de junho. 64-79.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2018, Jan. 31), As goes the school meeting, so goes democracy. Op-ed, Regina Leader-Post, republished by the Wadena News, Feb. 2, 2018.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2017). National Dreams and Neoliberal Nightmares: The Dismantling of Canadian Periodicals Assistance. Canadian Journal of Communication, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 5, dec. 2017. ISSN 1499-6642.
Cribb, R., Sonntag, P., Elliott, P.W. & McSheffrey, E. (2017, Oct. 1). A deadly gas, a costly shrug. Toronto Star. Oct. 1, A9/A12-13. Published online as: That rotten stench in the air? It’s the smell of deadly gas and secrecy. Accessed at:
Cribb, R., Sonntag, P., & Elliott, P.W. (2017, Oct. 1). A culture of silence. Toronto Star. A-14. Published online as: ‘There’s no sense speaking up’ despite deadly gas risks. Accessed at
Cribb, R., Sonntag, P., Elliott, P.W. & McSheffrey, E. (2017, Oct. 1). Inside Saskatchewan’s failure to stop a silent killer. Accessed at
Elliott, Patricia W. (2017). Claiming space for square pegs: Community-engaged communication scholarship and faculty assessment. Canadian Journal of Communication. Vol. 42, 19-32.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2016, Dec. 14). Media should not be stoking anger. Regina Leader-Post.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2016). Lean: The measurably efficient musical. Prairie Forum. 39(1), 67-97.
Elliott, Patricia W. & Marc Spooner (2016). Addendum: This is a call to action. Prairie Forum. 39(1), 98-107.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2016). Decolonizing Media: Challenges and barriers on the road to reconciliation. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Research Report.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2016) When ants move mountains: Uncovering a media theory of human agency. KOME – An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry. 4(1), 20-35.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2016, Sept. 22). Looking beyond philanthrojouralism. J-Source.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2016, Jan. 7). Why Saskatchewan is Canada’s black hole of policing information. J-Source (
Elliott, Patricia W. (2015) Staying Afloat While Stirring the Pot: Briarpatch Magazine and the Challenge of Nonprofit Journalism. Anserj: Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research. 6(2), 5-27.
Elliott, Patricia W. & Hepting Daryl, eds. (2015). Free Knowledge: Confronting the Commodification of Human Discovery. Regina: UR Press.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2015, Nov. 17). Indigenous journalists are changing the news in Saskatchewan. J-Source.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2015, Nov. 5). Magazine funding in a decimated state. J-Source. Editor’s pick.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2015). Book review: Academia, Inc.: How Corporatization is Transforming Canadian Universities by Jamie Brownlee. Briarpatch. Nov-Dec.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2015). Selling the Saskatchewan Communications Network. In The wrong track: A decade of privatization in Saskatchewan, 2004-2015. Regina, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Saskatchewan.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2015) Independent Voices: Third Sector Media Development and Local Governance in Saskatchewan. PhD dissert., University of Saskatchewan.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2014). Journalism With Legs. Briarpatch. 43(5). Sept-Oct. p. 40.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2013). Skateboards, football and the end of fun. Prairie Dog. May 16-29.
Barreno, L., Elliott, P.W., Madueke, I. & Sarney, D. (2013). Community Engaged Scholarship and Faculty Assessment: A Review of Canadian Practices. Research Report prepared for the Faculty Assessment Workgroup, Rewarding Community Engaged Scholarship: Transforming University Policies and Practices.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2014). Integrating community-engaged scholarship into faculty assessment practices: A handbook for faculty leaders. Community-Engaged Scholarship Partnership.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2012, April 29). Burma media freedom a work in progress. J-Source.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2012). “School Consolidation and Notions of Progress.” InEducation. 18:1, Spring, 50-66.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2011). Participatory Action Research: Challenges, Complications and Opportunities. A research report prepared for the Northern Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan Regional Node of the Social Economy Suite. University of Saskatchewan: Centre for the Study of Co-operatives Community-University Institute for Social Research.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2010, May 25). Thailand reporting lacked important context. J-Source.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2010) Review. Workplaces That Work: A Guide to Conflict Management in Union and Non-Union Work Environments by Blaine Donais. Briarpatch. 36:7, Nov. 2007. 38.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2010) “Another Radio is Possible: Thai Community Radio from the Grassroots to the Global.” Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media. 8:1, 7-22, 2010.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2009). Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives. Saskatchewan Women’s Secretariat.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2008). Keeping the Roof On: Questions for Darrel Jones. Policy Dialogue, (17), Winter, 6-7.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2007) Another Radio is Possible: Community Radio, Media Reform and Social Change in Thailand. MA Thesis. University of Regina.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2007) Not Just Any Law Will Do: Questions for Alia Hogben. Policy Dialogue. No. 16, Fall, 6-8.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2007) Stripped Down Federalism: Questions for Al O-Brien. Policy Dialogue. No. 15, Spring, 6-8.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2006) The Forbidden Route? Most human rights activists agree that tourism in Burma is a “difficult question.” Briarpatch. Nov.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2006) Detox In Recovery: Facility staff battle a Regina addictions home’s troubled past . Prairie Dog. Feb. 16, pp 10-12. Reprinted in Planet S, March 2, 2006.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2005) The White Umbrella: A Woman’s Struggle for Freedom in Burma. 2nd Ed. Bangkok. Friends Books.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2005). Thailand’s Uncounted Dead: Jobless, persecuted and far from home, migrant workers struggle to rebuild lives. Prairie Dog. January 20, 2005. Reprinted in Planet S, February.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2004). Review. Saskatchewan: The Roots of Discontent and Protest by John W. Warnock. Briarpatch, 33:9 December 2004-January 2005.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2003). When Women Stand Up to Tyrants: The consequences are frightening but the victories are sweet. Briarpatch. 32:6, July/August 2003.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2003). A Singular Spirit: Chao-nang Hearn Hkam recently passed away in Canada but her fighting spirit lives on. Bangkok Post. Feb. 1, 2003.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2002). An Interview with Evelyn Lube: She’s organizing because the boss is the boss, even in a First Nations workplace. Briarpatch. October 2002.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2002). Making a Killing: Opening the Books on Canadian Arms Sales. Prairie Dog. January 24, 2002. Reprinted in Planet S, February 2002. Electronically published with permission by AlterNet at January 28, 2002.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2001). Volunteers get wired. Briarpatch. February.
Elliott, Patricia W. (2001). Go Global, Young Volunteer. With international placements, the rewards are more than financial. Prairie Dog. January 25.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1999). Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives. Regina. The Saskatchewan Women’s Secretariat. 1999. 32 pp. illus.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1999). Co-ops Go Global. Prairie Dog. October 1999.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1999). Educating for a Shrinking Planet. Prairie Dog. September 1999.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1998). Rack ’em! Thailand has gone mad for the sport of snooker – and up-and-coming Thai players are putting their own spin on the oh-so-British game. Canadian. April 1998.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1998). Secret Hunter of the Heart. It’s a little-known amino acid that rivals cholesterol as a big threat to the heart health of millions of Canadians. Canadian Living. April.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1998). The Scene of the Crime. Canadian. March.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1997). A Matter of Identity. As the hour of reunification with China approaches, Hong Kong’s artistic community asks timely questions of culture, identity and place. Canadian. April 1997.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1997). Towards Workplace Equity: Models and Strategies for Change. Regina. Pay Equity Coalition. 1997. 32pp.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1997). Betting on the Internet. Canadian. August.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1997). High Noon at Silver Sage: Take the money and run. Briarpatch. November.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1997). The Sport of Comrades. As the soon-to-be-former British colony races into the future, its passion for the sport of kings remains a sure bet. Canadian. March.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1997). Herbs on Sale: Canadians can now buy feverfew and echinacea at the drugstore, but do we know what we’re taking? Canadian Living. September.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1997). Seeing Red: Canada’s once-revered blood supply system is tainted with tragedy, poor accountability and politics. Canadian Living. April.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1996). What took so long? As Paul Bernardo’s trial unfolded, it became clear he’d been a suspect more than once. Canadian Living. February.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1995). New Evidence: Mike Manning’s daughter was savagely raped and murdered. DNA testing cleared him of the crime. But can it catch the killer? Canadian Living. September.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1995). Still Waters Run Deep: Once a princess, later an armed rebel, Sao Yawnghwe has always been a progressive who sought to bring political enlightenment to her people. Bangkok Post. March 18, 1995.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1995). Privacy Matters: To boost sales, companies are sifting through personal information and using it in ways we never imagined. Canadian Living. February 1995.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1994). Feminism’s New Face. Canadian Living. August.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1993). Drug Wars: A Life in the Drug Trade. As the principal source of the world’s heroin glut, Burma’s General Khun Sa makes an easy target in the war on drugs.Saturday Night. December.
Elliott, Patricia W., ed. (1993). Rethinking the Future: Canada’s Liveliest Minds Take on the Twenty-first Century. Saskatoon: Fifth House Publishers.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1993). Set Our House in Order. Network of Saskatchewan Women. June.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1993). Marriage: The Sequel. Canadian Living. April.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1993). Walking on Eggshells. Briarpatch. February.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1992). Thailand – Vignettes for Pacific Passages. Saturday Night. 107(10) December, 69-70.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1992). Who’s New in Cabinet. Briarpatch. 21 (1)February, 6-12.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1991). Never Say Die: In Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, a small town is fighting back – and winning. Credit Union Way. September 1991.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1991). Weekend Moms. Canadian Living. September 1991.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1990). How Prince of Death sees bright future for Shan people. With photography from Subin Kheunkaew. Bangkok Post, July 29, 1990, A8-A9.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1990). Unseen enemy compounds bitter legacy. Bangkok Post. August, n.d.
Numerous news articles and features, the Bangkok Post, 1989-1990.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1989). Father Larre’s War: Troubled teenagers were a mission – and a growth industry – for the charismatic Saskatchewan priest. Saturday Night, 104(11), November, 46-60.
Elliott, Patricia W. (1989). Wage Slaves: The Tory government of Grant Devine decided to put Saskatchewan’s welfare recipients to work. Saturday Night, October.
Elliott, Trish (1984). No, this is Pakistan. Canadian Forum, 94(789), May, 41-42.